According to the Astrology use Gems with precaution.
By Aashish Patidar Jan 03 2020 Gems&Crystalstherapy
Wear Gems cautiously before wearing as per Astrology-
Almost every individual scholar, material science related scientist and astrologer has unanimously accepted this very fact that gems radiate a special type of light. These specific lights irrespective of their nonvisibility does affect human life in one or another form. This effect is very much similar to that effect which comes into the earth from the planets. Astrological experts and other experts related to this subject matter have given a principle according to which every planet has a resembling stone on the earth. This stone is considered a Gem and there are several types of Gem unlike various kinds of planets on our solar system. Sun has a similar effect producing stone which is known as a Manik, Moon has its resembling stone with the name of Moti, Mangal has Munga, Budha has Panna, Guru has Pukhraj, Sukra has Diamond, Shani has Neelam, Rahu has Gomeda and Ketu has Lahsunia. These stones have very similar effects on what their associated planets are having on our well beings.
Select the metal of Gems with utmost care:
If you wear any Gem without knowing its perfect suitable ally metal then, it will do more harm than any good effect for its wearer. After many years’ research and intense observation subject experts came to this conclusion that one should wear any precious Gem with its properly suitable combination making metal like Gold, Silver, Copper, Germanium etc.etc. One can wear these Gems after putting them into the ring or locket.
The alliance of various Gems with different-different metal is as follows:
A- Manik with the Gold
B- Moti with the Silver
C- Munga with the Gold
D- Panna with the Gold
E- Pukhraj with the Silver
F- Diamond with tri-metal (Tridhaatu)
G- Neelam either with tri-metal or with the Silver
H -Gomed with the Panchadhatu
I - Lahsunia with the Panchadhatu
Although, in this classification, there is a difference of opinion too. Many rich and wealthy people use to wear any such Gem with Gold or any other precious metal which is actually recommended only with the Silver. This is not at all recommended from the point of view of astrology and it may give adverse effects instead of giving some benefit to that person who is wearing it. It is a proven fact that Diamond and Moti are not beneficial when they are used with the Gold. Before wearing any Gem and selecting its ally metal one should take proper advice of any knowledgeable astrologer.
Select Gem’s wearing order with utmost care:
Many people wear NavRatna rings in their fingers or chain in their neck just for the sake of fashion. On the other hand, many people wear them for getting instant benefits. This is a very tricky situation and one should always wear such kind of Navratna ornament with its appropriate order according to the science of astrology. This order must be in such a way that the first row must have Panna and Diamond in the second row there must be Pukhraj with Manik and Munga, in the third row there must be Lahsunia, Neelam and Gomed. This order very clearly indicates that in the first row there are Buddha, Sukra and Moon. In the second row, there are Guru Surya and mangal, in the third row, there are Ketu, Shani and Rahu planets. One should wear any Gem after keeping this very fact and this precisely defined order only
Wear Gem with its proper weight:
Any that ornament, including the ring which consists of Navratna, is beneficial only when it is worn inappropriate weight according to the astrological calculation. Many such precious ornaments are useless or without any good results producing the effect which is not made of right pr proper weight. Only wearing precious gem is not that important but it is important to \wear them with proper weight and proper combination.
Before wearing any Gem know its friendliness and enmity :
It is a very natural and common fact that like-minded people like one another’s company but in contrast those who are lacking like-mindedness and if they happen to meet with one another will not like one another’s the company and they will enjoy unpleasant company.
If the characteristic of any gem is not matched with another, it will give ill effects and create a very unpleasant situation in day to days life. Before wearing any Gem one must check very carefully, whether it is friendly or not for him or her. Many Gems if not worn according to its friendly nature may cause harmful effects, therefore it is very important to wear them wisely and according to the principles of astrology.
Follow our latest and upcoming blogs to get more information about different Gems and Stones from our institute, the Institute of Vedic Astrology. And you can also learn more things about Gems in the IVA from an online distance learning course.
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