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Use Gems for Luck Rising

By Institute Of Vedic Astrology Jul 19 2019 Gems

Did you ever doubt that there is a certain relationship between real life and certain gemstones? The answer is Yes. Certain stones have some natural abilities to make significant changes in the lives of human beings. If you want to completely enjoy the results after using them, you should know what type of stone to be used and where they have to be used along with the effects that you will have due to them. When you do not follow certain rules or use them in a wrong manner, you may have to face some negative consequences. For finding the perfect crystal, you can consult the person who has sufficient knowledge in the subject of Astrology. Here are some of the stones and their corresponding effects.


This crystal is meant for wealth, prosperity and protection. It helps you to chase and achieve your dreams. When you keep them in your purse, you can have good financial growth. When you wear it as jewelry, it increases your vibration as it touches your skin.

You can be an expert in the gem therapy when you do some relevant Astrology courses in some colleges like IVA Indore.


It helps to repel negative energy and attract positive energy. This crystal will help in shifting the energy field and creating better luck in life. It helps in balancing all the chakras and works with the root chakra. When you keep them in a home and contact with your skin you will be able to feel the positivity, good luck, and abundance in your life.

Smokey quartz

Some negative and emotional state in your field is the reason for many unfortunate events in your life. This gem will remove negativities and you will start feeling lucky. This will also take you forward in your life by increasing positive energy. When you need them, better consultant with the right astrologer or Learn Vedic Astrology.


When you are the person who has lost wealth recently, this is the right stone to be used. It restores balance and brings back harmony. It connects you with the right intuition and this serves as the way to bring clarity and shows you what is good in life. Taking up expert-designed courses from the most reputed destinations to master Gems and Crystals Therapy - Institute of Vedic Astrology helps you in gaining more knowledge regarding these stones.


It is considered as a magical stone that helps in cleaning any dust present in your life. It helps in increasing self-confidence, creativity and completely elevates your life to a higher dimension. People who have done courses from prestigious colleges on par with the Institute of Vedic Astrology Indore are advised to have them near during sleep or wear them on the body.

These crystals also agree with some of the proven principles of science and they are interrelated to each other. Do not just blindly believe any astrologer and just go by their words as many of them misguide you and that may lead to danger. Understand where exactly your problem is, consult with the best astrologer, wear the right stone in the right area.