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Numerology is the Science of Numbers

By Aashish Patidar Aug 08 2016 Numerology

What is Numerology

To Understand Numerology in simple words, it can be interpreted as a science that believes that there is a relationship between numbers and life events. It is fascinating to note that numerologists understand everything about the event that will going to happens in the world but which is entirely dependent on some mystical properties that are associated with numbers. These mystical features come from the inherent vibrations of numbers. According to the theory of numerology, a unique kind of vibration is related to the number. Interestingly, each number can help you to understand and predict the behavior of people and even predict compatibility between two people.

The following section will discuss how numerology can influence a person’s life:

How does Numerlogy affect your life?

If you believe in it and see the patterns, you can observe the effects of numerology on different aspects of your life. For example:

The course of your Life

The direction of your life is very much decided by the numbers in your life. The kinds of challenges you face, the people you meet, your achievements and lessons of life are all associated with your number. To find out your number, you just need to add all the single digits of your complete birth date and then keep adding them until they are reduced to a single digit. That single number is the number of your life path.

Your Traits

You will be surprised to note that your numerology can give out some insightful aspects of your personality. It can show your characteristics and also let you understand how people see your character when they first meet you. To know this number, you simply need to use the alphabet chart of numerology and see the numerical value of all the consonants in your first, middle and last names. Once you find the numbers, you need to add all the numbers and bring them to a single digit and get your number.

Your Career Path

Numerology can help you much in finding your career path. If you are working on a career path that is compatible with your number, then you will surely get a lot of success without many hurdles or hassles in your life. For example, people with number 3 would be better in communication-related jobs and might face problems if they get into the technical field. Therefore, if you decide on a career keeping in mind your number according to numerology, you can do tremendously well.

What are various Systems involved?

Various systems can be used in numerology. The following section gives you a brief on the three systems:

 Chaldean Number System

It is one of the oldest systems that are studied in present times. In this system, the letter to number calculations is determined by vibrations emitted by each letter and not by the alphabetical order itself.

 Pythagorean System

It is one of the most popular systems used in numerology. In this method, the value is assigned by the Western alphabets by utilizing a number formula. The value is between 1 to 9.

 Kabbalah System

The Kabbalah system is originated in the Hebrew culture. It considers a person's name and not the date of birth to determine the number. It has 22 vibrations between 1 to 400

 Final Words

Hence, there are many aspects of Numerology that you might want to discover. In the end, it is up to you to believe in it or not. But learning about it and trying it out once could be worth it. 

There are a lot more about Numerology and its deep aspects but for that, you need to learn it professionally. Institute of Vedic Astrology is here to help you out with their Online Distance Learning course of Numerology. Learn Numerology and become a master in your life and career.