Learn about different Mounts on your hand with Palmistry
By Aashish Patidar Dec 07 2019 PALMISTRY
Have you ever wondered that your hands are not just the hands but it is a deep source of information and secrets about you! Well, many of us haven’t thought about it before, that our hands are the sea of information. If you are aware of the art of Face Reading then you must know that Face Reading is the art of analyzing the features of the face just to get the deep knowledge and information about the person only with help of their facial parts.
In this art, you can get to know about yourself only by analyzing and reading your hands, which means your palm and the lines are just like the book of your secrets and talents.
This art of reading palm and palm lines is known as Palmistry.
Palmistry is the art of reading palm and palm lines through which we can get to know about the person in dept and we can also predict their future as well.
There are different mounts in everyone’s hands which simply show many aspects of the person and his personality. There many people who don’t have proper ideas about their personality but they can get to know about it through Palmistry.
What are the Mounts in Palm?
The mounts are kind of fleshy bumps on your palm which resides under your every single finger. This is termed as mount because it looks like a mountain on your palm. They play a very important role during the reading of the palm. These mounts are related to the planets which hold a different meaning in your hand and show your personality as well as the future.
There are a total of 7 mounts in someone’s hand-
- Mount of Jupiter- This situated at the base of your index finger.
- Mount of Saturn- This is situated at the base of your middle finger.
- Mount of Sun or Apollo- This mount is situated under your ring finger.
- Mount of Mercury- This situated at the base of your little finger.
- Mount of Moon- That is situated in the base of your palm under your little finger.
- Mount of Venus- This mount is situated under the base of your thumb.
- Mount of Mars- Mars mount is of two types-
- Inner Mars
- Outer Mars
The inner mount of Mars is situated between the mount of Jupiter and Venus, and the second outer mount is situated between the mount of Mercury and Moon.
Let’s get the idea about every mount in detail to get the best information about ourselves.
1. Mount of Jupiter- The mount of Jupiter represents the authority and will power. The person has this mount properly developed then it shows that the person is ambitious, career-minded, responsible, honest and reliable in nature.
If it is flat then it means that the person is clumsy, dishonest and has no proper morals in his life.
2. Mount of Saturn- This mount is related to the perceptive and integrity of things. Properly developed mount represents the independent, sincere, intelligent and hardworking person. If the mount is less developed or fully flat it means that the person easily gets sad and depressed and feels lonely most the time.
3. Mount of Sun- The person having this mount in a developed manner has the qualities of getting clever at most of the situations, loves art and literature and able to accept the other’s opinion.
If this mount is low in someone’s hand it means that the person is poor in aesthetics, has no fortune in making and does not love arts.
4. Mount of Mercury- This mount represents wisdom. As the person having fully developed mount of Mercury are good at their work, manages things properly, witty and has a high ability to think. If this mount is absent in someone’s hand it means that the person is not willing to work hard, he is negative and has no will to do anything.
5. Mount of Moon- This mount is connected with imagination and mystery. As the person who is having this mount developed are imaginative, creative thinkers and loves to be in freedom. If this mount is less or underdeveloped then it means the person has a lack of ideas and he is conservative about everything.
6. Mount of Venus-
This mount represents love emotions and affection. The well-developed mount shows a sympathetic, gentle and attractive nature. They have good fortune in love. The one who doesn’t have this mount developed is having a lack of energy and is very cold-hearted and sometimes rude.
7 Mount of Mars-
i) Inner Mars- This mars is termed as the positive mars as the person having this mount nicely developed is courageous, healthy and full of adventures. And undeveloped mount people are timid and indecisive in nature.
ii) Outer Mars- This termed as negative mars. People who are having this mount fully developed are fearless, don’t’ take risks in money-making works. The one who has lesser developed outer mount is having a lack of endurance, they can keep calm as they don’t have patience and weaker in solving problems attentively.
Institute of Vedic Astrology, Indore which is the best institute in India and the USA provided Distance learning courses on Palmistry through which you can learn Palmistry easily and become a master in this skill. Join and know yourself better and help others with Palmistry.
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