Get rid of Docter with these hand postures (Hast Mudras)
By Aashish Patidar Feb 04 2020 Palmistry
What is hast Mudra ( hand posture)?
In India, there is a popular method of hand’s posture therapy ( hast mudra chikitsaa) since ancient timings. The inclusion of hand postures ( hast mudras ) is already placed in the prayer methods of the Hindu spiritual services. Almost everybody is familiar with 24 postures before chanting the Gayatri mantra and 8 postures after the Gayatri mantra. These postures keep one healthy.
Natural five elements :
The human body is made of Natural five elements, it is mentioned in the Charaka Samhita's career sthanam’s. These five Natural five elements are including earth elements, water elements, air elements, fire elements, and sky elements. These are present into every part of our body including the hands. The earth element is present into the closest finger from the smallest finger which is known as Anamika or ring finger. A water element is present into the smallest finger (kanistha finger). Air element is present into the tarjani finger which is close to the ring finger, fire element is present into the thumb finger and sky element is present into the middle finger.
Diseases and the Natural five elements(Panchabhoota)
We know that the human body is consists of Natural five elements. these natural five elements are present in every part of our body, but with a certain fix proportion. If this balance or proportion gets disturb then, the balance of the human body gets disturbed. This imbalance finally leads to various kinds of illnesses. If this imbalance gets rectify with the help of the fine balancing of these five Natural five elements.then the body automatically gets cured.
Major hand postures(Hast Mudras):-
There are several kinds of hand postures( hast mudras). A few major hand postures are as follows.
1- Earth Posture:
The ring finger is the representative of earth posture. In the earth, the posture ring finger is touched with the thumb finger.
2- Water Posture:
In the water posture, the smallest finger is touched with the thumb finger.
3- Air Posture:
In the air posture Index, a finger is its representative finger. In this posture index finger is touched with thumb at its root point and then by the thumb, index finger needs to press very gently.
4- Sky Posture (Akaash Mudra):
In this posture, the middle finger is considered its representative finger. This middle finger is touched with the thumb while practicing this sky posture.
5- Muskingam Posture :
In this p[osture both hand’s fingers are kept close in tiding position. Then they need to press gently each other.
6- Life posture (Prana Mudra):
In this posture, ring finger and smallest finger which are representatives of the earth element and water element respectively are touched with the thumb finger.
7- Sun Posture :
In this posture fingers of both the hands are kept fix in such a way that they should make fist position, thereafter left hand’s thumb to be kept in the state up position and then right hand’s thumb is kept in its backside position.
8- Yampashsm posture :
In this posture, both hand’s Index fingers are to be kept tide with one another and remaining fingers are used for making fist position.
Various postures and their relativity with curing diseases ;
Ling mudra keeps cold and coughs away, prana mudra keeps eye-related problems away, Vaayu mudra keeps pimples away, Aakash mudra keeps ear-related problems away. Other than these effects Surya mudra keeps diabetes away and Surya mudra keeps lover related problems away. Whenever these postures (mudras 0 are to be practiced one should sit in a Padmaasan position and then he or she should keep their back, neck, and hands must keep state and erected position. One must always remember or concentrated over his or her Est dev before doing any posture.
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