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Does astrology work?

By Institute Of Vedic Astrology Jul 12 2019 Astrology

There are many people who think whether Astrology works or not and that extends to whether the Astrology predictions are true. There is no magic or guesswork or anything based on luck. Predicting events through Astrology is completely based on the horoscope or the birth chart. Astrology will help in calculating the probability of occurrence of events in the future. If things are known beforehand, you can avoid any inauspicious event from happening. There are also a number of Astrology courses designed by prestigious colleges on the level of the Institute of Vedic Astrology Indore.

Working of astrology predictions

Astrology works completely on the birth time of an individual. If the details are not appropriate, then the horoscope will not work. Predictions are made based on the positions of the planets and the powers of them through the degrees, location in a good or a bad house, positioned in the friend’s or the enemy’s house. The next thing will be the zodiac sign, nakshatra, power, and degree of the planet. These things are followed by the house types, yoga, birth time, transit positions, the situation of stars in a horoscope, yogini transit to exactly predict the life events of an individual. In recent times, there are lots of courses that are available to learn Astrology. You can the facts about one of the best institutes in teaching Astrology in the Institute of Vedic Astrology Indore Reviews.

When you Learn Vedic Astrology, you can know that God has assigned certain powers to all the nine planets. They can give suitable results to humans and even animals based on their corresponding karma. If a person has done any sinful works, there are negative results waiting to be faced as a consequence of sin. Consider an example, if a man behaves like insulting or dishonoring his father or saint and when Jupiter is at the 8th house, he will have to suffer from any disease or problems or dishonor in his life during the transit of Jupiter. As it is the planet that is connected to saint and father, so the person will have to face the punishment for his sin.

Working of Gemstones

Gemstones are something that is associated with Astrology and of course science. Wearing Gemstones really brings significant changes in a person's life. But, it is recommended not to completely rely on them. It is important to choose the right Gemstone and the right figure. It is also required that you wear it at least 40 days at a time to experience the result from the Gemstone. It helps in reducing some amount of sin made during a lifetime. But, they might not have completely vanished. In some cases, it will restrict you from doing certain sins and also will reduce the impact of inauspicious times. You can get advice and suggestions from Astrology experts passing out from colleges on par with the Institute of Vedic Astrology.

Astrology is an area of expertise that has a wide scope. There are also many people seriously involved in the profession. Not all of them can be trusted. Make sure you discuss it with the right astrologer. It is better to visit the astrologers who have broad knowledge Astrology.