Astrology for Careers – What your sign says you should do
By Aashish Patidar May 12 2022 Astrology,Astrology_classes,astrology_classes_online,Learn_astrology_online
Astrology for a career is one of the most interrogated topics. Awestrucking about career goals, career options, and job opportunities aligning with your choice of interest is one of the most worrisome tasks. If it does not work accordingly it may be destructive emotionally, and mentally. Failing in exams, job interviews, and struggling for years for the same is very drainful for a person. But people are still not understood and have wrong publicity that Astrology is a primary solution for it. People are still not aware of how can Astrology be helpful and can give the right angle to your career. It is the right perspective and aspect which is widely popular and considerable.
How does Astrology help in a Career?
Astrology is proven science that is used for our good fortune and future. Astrology is one of the helping parts of understanding natively about our career by seeing our birth chart.
Most people give a deep thought to their lives and career and what should they pursue. Many of them at a young age couldn’t afford or go with the flow of desired career options due to parental pressure or lack of finance or anything. Often it works out for some people but they might not be satisfied forever with it. A person wins half of the battle in his life when he gets to do what he loves and what he dreamt of or something he achieved which is more relevant to his personality. On the other side, it can be very frustrating or not give a motivation to do the work every day with new enthusiasm.
Astrology is one of the major parts which helps a native understand what career can be the best suitable for him. This native’s horoscope is read out and analyzed to study his nature, and interest. It is easier said than done the number of astrology factors is also considered while making the decisions.
The Sun signs and the planetary position including the timing of planets are the major factors in astrology that define a person’s career. The dominant planet in the horoscope easily affects the career of a person. The Astrologers study the 2nd house (inclusion of possession and finances), the 6th house (inclusive of work), and the 10th house (inclusive of career, interest, and fame). All these factors are put in together to calculate and help natives to understand a good career opportunity.
An Astrologer is a big helper in a native's career by making them understand positive points and making one understand his strengths and weakness. They even suggest the best remedies to deal with it.
Your Best Career Choice According to Astrology?
The factors which decide a career is the timing of the planets and the zodiac sign with its planetary position or House position or Bhav’s position. This helps in determining what’s the right time or when will the opportunity knock on the door of your life so you can work hard on it.
Fundaments of Zodiac Sign –
There are specific factors related to birth date and chart that arbitrate the career. It is the comprehension of four elements water, fire, earth, and air, which are inclusive of your mind, body, and soul.
One factor decides our behavior and attitude towards everything taking it positively or negatively. And it is accusive of our zodiac sign considering under the planetary positions we were born. Some of you go through and calculate your career as per your zodiac sign as it is a scientifically proven technique but there’s an expert always required in every field to move forward.
Water – The Zodiac signs which come under Water are the Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces; ruled by the 4th, 8th, and 12th house of the horoscope chart. It is the most popular element in an heir’s life. Water energy is always high so the person is always high on ambition. They are naturally born leaders.
The best career option for the people who are under Water Sign – Lawyer, Social Worker, Chef, Nurse, or Therapists. The profiles have leadership and good ambition.
Fire – The Zodiac signs which come under Fire are the Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius; ruled by the 1st, 5th, and 9th house of the horoscope chart. They tend to be very loyal but have anger issues as their mindset is willfully short-tempered. They are very creative and passionate about things.
The best career suited for the people who are under Fire Sign- Social Media Manager, Police, Trainer, College Professor, Agent, Politician.
Earth- The Zodiac signs which come under Earth is the Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn; ruled by the 2nd, 6th, and 10th house of the horoscope chart. If you come under these signs you tend to be a practical and generous person. They are very straight forward in nature.
If you fall under Earth Sign then a good career option for you would be – Artist, Musician, Architect, Designer, Engineer, Finance Officer, or Doctor. These are the best-suited career options for the people who fall under Earth Sign.
Air – The Zodiac signs which come under Air are the Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius; ruled by the 3rd, 7th, and 11th house of the horoscope chart. People who have these signs are extrovert kinds of people, they can adjust to any type of company or group of people. They are very joyful, good at communication, always high on energy, smart thinker, and are the center of attraction.
Over and above the best career field for people under the Air sign is Networking, Marketing, Public Relation Officer, Influencers, Personality Developer, and Writing.
From the above guidance, it is very clear houses are ruled by Zodiac Signs and define our best-suited career with its 4 elements. Each element is considered with its features and influence on natives' life.
No matter what, whichever career option you do prefer maybe, writer, social worker, influencer, nurse, or therapist it is because of your planetary position. Now, all we know is that houses are co-related with planets and planets are gives the characteristics of getting defined in a person’s life.
How our Astrologer helps you to find the best career suited for you and your personality?
During difficult times while growing up Career plays a major role in a person’s life. It is a very dilemmatic thing and sometimes very successful after putting your sweat drop. Lately, a chosen path maybe also not get turned into success. We need proper and appropriate guidance and solution for the same.
Our Vedic Astrologer, Astro Aashish Patidar gives in-depth knowledge and guides you to the right opportunity to grab on looking out on our birth chart, celestial bodies which influence our lives. He guides the right path to move on by using the birth date, time, and Kundli. Kundli is our birth chart which showcases the graphical design consisting of 12 houses. The interpretation is done wisely by seeing the Kundli and ordered according.
Many experts say that not only us but our coming youth will be more into taking the advice of Astrologers to move further. The generation is very curious to know about everything personally and previously.
What are the few often asked questions with our Astrologers?
1. Which career line should I choose?
2. Is the career line I am working hard worthy of?
3. Which is a secondary career option for me?
4. When will I be settled down in my life?
5. What is a good time when I will be successful?
And More…
Wrapping Up!
If you are a student or person of any age looking for a new venture, opportunity, career prediction, or options. We help them out and make them move forward.
Believe it or Not!
Astrologers have solutions to your problem and direct you to the right option. Today every other person is looking out for accurate guidance and criterion. We believe every other person has some other doubt or the above-mentioned questions in the mind.
So if you or your close one are seeking to want to fix the dilemma regarding your career then you should surely consult Astro Aashish Patidar who will solve your all queries by giving the solution.
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